The Cuban Sandwich. Food recipe. Florida USA

The mythic Cuban Sandwich. 

The Cuban Sandwich is a mixture of culture and flavors. It is the result of pure and modern Mestizaje as a practical solution for Cuban immigrants. 
As a recipe, it is full of Latin American flavors, and required some serious preparations. 
It has some ingredients that you simply can't miss to have this staple sandwich from Florida the right way. Of course there are a few twist here and there, but first and most, you have to use an authentic Cuban bread. There is no other way around. 
Florida is the Home State of this incredible sandwich, and its Capital Miami, is without doubt the responsible to expand its popularity outside cultural boundaries. The authentic Cuban Sandwich combine a mixture of flavors and textures for an outstanding panini. 

Cuban Sandwich Ingredients:

  • Authentic Cuban Bread. 
  • Mustard 
  • Swiss cheese 
  • Roasted Pork marinated in mojo sauce. 
  • Ham 
  • Pickles 

What are you looking for in an authentic Cuban Sandwich? 

If we must choose a word to describe the Cuban sandwich, it would be "Contradiction". Why?  Because it combines at the same time opposite flavors, textures, and aromas, that could not be compatible in any other, but in this sandwich. Let’s see our main goals in this Florida Staple Sandwich: 
  • Sweet and savory with a pinch of spice. 3 in 1. Mojo Pork, Pickle and Mustard. 3 flavors. 
  • Juicy but Dry. Moist pork wrapped by cheese and ham, while the crust shall not be greasy nor wet. 
  • Creamy/Crunchy: the cheese and tenderness form a slow roasted pork with the distinctive crunch of the authentic Cuban bread. 
Isn't it a contradictory sandwich? 

Tricks and tips for an outstanding Cuban Sandwich? 

  • Each ingredient is set to achieve a taste and texture when combined. Play well with your marinated mojo pork. 
  • Use parbaked authentic Cuban bread so your sandwich will have enough time for melting the cheese in the panini press or flattop, while not having to worry about getting the sandwich burnt. 
  • Look for the crunch. No crunch, no Cuban sandwich. 
  • You should add butter/mayonnaise to the outside of the sandwich, to improve, however, infuse the mayo or butter with garlic cloves. 
  • The spice could be a blend of black pepper in the mojo sauce or/and the mustard. 
  • Mint spice: this is not a Mojito, but by using beer, and bay leaves or rosemary fresh leaves, you will provide a nice touch to your pork. 
What is it that makes a great Cuban sandwich for you? We would like to hear your experience.
